In einer Kooperation mit dem Projekt ONLINEFILM
bieten wir den Mitgliedern der Kulturserver-Netzwerke die Möglichkeit Filme und Clips zu präsentieren.
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Synopsis A sinti family of Bolzano was used to earn a living playing music, but since Laki, the only violinist of the group, has become an evangelist, it had to stop playing music. Trying to reunite the group, Radames the chief of the family, will experience how much the sinti traditions are changing. "The life and other building yards" will never answer all the questions which, since ever, crowd the stereotypes outlook about gipsies. It will not investigate anthropologically the sintis' culture, nor reveal its archetypes. "The life and other building yards" is an approach to a culture so similar, yet so different, both speaking about everyday life and ancient traditions. It is a short slice of life, narrated not properly in a documentaristic style but almost as a "novella"; it's a story about conflicts between generations and cultures, between fathers and sons...Moreover, we assist at the birth of a modern "Don Quixote" who doesn't take care of windmills but, conscious of himself and of what he witnesses, looks always straight ahead.