In einer Kooperation mit dem Projekt ONLINEFILM
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Deutschland 2007, Feature film | Arts, Criminal and Gangster, Film Noir, 89:00' Director: M. A. Littler | Camera: Philip Koepsell | Screenplay: M. A. Littler
Synopsis Six years in prison have given Parrish plenty of time to meditate on his criminal career and to devote himself to reading the Bible. Once he's at last released, Parrish quickly sets out to re-establish ties with his former colleagues in the criminal world, and get back in the game. Unfortunately, times have changed during his absence – dramatically. The power his gang once possessed has moved into the hands of their adversaries, who now seek to eliminate anyone who might pose a risk to their dominance of the streets. Unable to count on anyone's help, Parrish embarks on solitary quest for a peaceful place, somewhere far from the rage and pain of men. If it is redemption he seeks, Parrish will have to take the road that leads to Nod.