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Industriekultur in NRW
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66 Seasons
Adire - Indigo Textiles amongst the YorubaAids Aufklärungs Spot KurzfassungAKINI Trinidad Karneval Moko Jumbies Soca Calypso TobagoAlexander / AleksandrsAlte Reklame - Die schönsten Emailschilder und WerbefigurenAltenheimAmphitryon (Trailer)ANOTHER GLORIOUS DAY/ TrailerAntonia lässt sich Ohrlöcher schiessen (Antonia gets her ears pierced)ASIA MINOR OVER AGAINATEMZUGATHENEAuf der Suche nach noch nie gehörten Klängen
Bad Bill - The GatheringBahn unterm HammerBallspielBANQUET OF THE DEAD (The)Berlin Kulturforum Time Fades video installation by Philipp GeistBIRTHDAY PARTYBorn To FlyBucharest Fleeting Figures video installation by Philipp GeistBörsenbahn gestoppt?
CAPE TALENT / CAPE TALKChildren of Their Own Land / Savas zemes bērniCOOBER PEDY: WHITE MAN IN THE HOLEcube Pusher
D.S. Baldajev - Zeichner des GULagDas blaue Gold im Garten EdenDas kann's noch nicht gewesen sein...Das klingende Sonntagsrätsel - von Hans Rosenthal zu Christian BienertDas Tabu der FreiheitDas Vermächtnis des Jens KlipperDAVID GEGEN GOLIATHDavid Lynchs Dumbland / Does That Hurt You?Dein Kuss von göttlicher Natur - Vision eines FilmprojektesDer A-380Der Agrar RebellDER BOXPRINZDer eiserne BulldogDer Heinz vom FilmDER JUNGE DER VOM HIMMEL FIELDer Mesner und die DreigroschenoperDer StörenfriedDer Tod des Pero RadakovicDER TOD IST EIN WUNDERBARES ERLEBNISDeutscher VerkehrDie Auschwitz-Dialoge (Polen/Deutschland)DIE ENDLOSE QUELLE: SOLARENERGIEDie KandidatinDIE KARAWANE DER TUWINERDie Kinder des Cirque BouffonDie Kunst der FugeDie Kunst der Verführung - Das Akkordeon von Teodoro AnzellottiDie Leiden des jungen Werthers (Trailer)DIE NEUE POWER - Erneuerbare Energien in EuropaDie PARTEI mit Martin SonnebornDie PassionDIE STUNDENEICHEDIE WASSERMEISTERDie Zeit in meinen AugenDiktatoren in GundelfingenDomenicaDu bist mein Afrika
EARTHQUAKEEINE REISE NACH CUBAEINE TUWINISCHE REISEErna Weißenborn - Eine Frau schreibt ihren WegEu cand vreau sa fluier, fluiereXtaze - das eXperiment mit dem Glück
FIGHTING THE FIRESFilm About Films / Filma par filmāmFinn & TomFräulein Stinnes: Mit dem Auto um die Welt 1927-29Frank Ned & Busy LizzieFreiheit in die Welt
GALERAGEDANKEN WIE ZÜNDSTOFFGERMAN SOLDIERS IN ATHENS (8mm mute)Gewürzpredigt für Pfeffersäcke, Performance von Lili Fischer in St. Petri zu LübeckGIFTIG, ÄTZEND, EXPLOSIV!GOD IS NO SOPRANOGREEN LINESGrüne Türen in HetzeldorfGünter Wallraff - Ganz Unten
Hamlet - This Is Your FamilyHauptsache gemütlich - Deutsche WohnzimmerHeimatkunde - Eine Expedition in die Zone mit Martin SonnebornHeimliche BlickeHelmut Lachenmann und Wolfgang Rihm im Gespräch (10 Jahre später)HERCULES, ACHELOOS AND MY GRANNYHere We ComeHEUTE MINISTER, MORGEN BANKIERHinter diesen MauernHipHop-A Tale From The HoodHITLERS OstwallHOUSE OF CAIN (The)Hubert Burda - Zwischen Rebellion und PflichtHUNGERSTREIK IN DUISBURGHÖLLE IM BERG
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James Krüss oder Die Suche nach den glücklichen InselnJohn Heartfield FotomonteurJonusas - Himmel und Hölle sind meinJordi Savall - Die Stimmen der GambeJordi Savall Familie & Freunde in concert
Kabale und LiebeKalinovski SquareKARIN WIECKHORST, FOTOGRAFIN AUS LEIPZIGKEHRAUS, wiederKEHREIN, KEHRAUSKlaus Groth - Ein Dichterleben
Lawine - Leben und Sterben des Werner KoenigLIGURIA LOVESTORYLOG BOOKS: GEORGE SEFERISLux et Umbra
''Myschink'' / andi teichmann music video by Philipp GeistMünchner FreiheitMein Herz zerreisstMein Traum, meine Liebe, meine HoffnungMentirasMister & Missis.SippiMorgenstimmungMs. Senior SweetheartMusterdorf mein MusterdorfMY CRETAN LEMON TREE
Nachlese mit Vilém und Edith Flusser, Teil 1Nachlese mit Vilém und Edith Flusser, Teil 2Nierenleiden, chronisch // Beatrix Hartmann: Hart im Nehmen.
PAINTING (The)Pater nosterPATRISPhoto: Inta Ruka. Portraits of People at Home / Foto: Inta Ruka. Cilvēku portreti savās mājās
rauten traurigRegina BluesRESURFACERussenbus
''seeblick'' #1''seeblick'' #2Sammeln, ErinnernSauna TangoSchwungrädersmall fishSneaker StoriesSolarTaxiSounds of the Seas - A science detective story.Spielzeug Zauber - Kleine WeltenStärker als die AngstStark ohne Gewalt
TaubblindThe Book of LeninsThe BoxThe CrossroadTHE DEADBROTHERS - Death is not the endthe happy tale of the missed auditionThe Keys To ParadiseThe Life and Other Building YardsThe Queen's Courtyard (English Subtitles)THE ROAD TO NODThis Way of Life - Neuseeland so leben wirTintenherz (Trailer)Tote ErnteTrakehnen wieder deutsch?Trickfilm-Fieber - Der Zeichentrick-Pionier Gerhard FieberTRIUMPH OVER TIMETRUPPENSPIELERTräume von Freiheit und GleichheitTschernobyl
Uma TrailerUP & DANCINGUtes Lesung Raumzeitlegende
Vergessen Sie'sVier helle KöpfeVIER WÄNDE ( Trailer)VOODOO RHYTHM - The Gospel of primitive Rock `n´ Roll
Wachsam Tag und NachtWas ist Improvisation?Wasser unterm HammerWasserkrieg in SpanienWelche Farbe hat das Nichts?Wenn die Zahnräder Menschen sind - György Ligeti´s KlavierkonzertWHAT TIME IS IT?Wild, Wild BeachWo ist Erkan Deriduk?Wollis PARADIES Trailer zum Film
Yaptik-HasseYou`re Sexy When You`re Sad / Man pat?k ka meitene skumst
ZeitRaum - 1. Film Kurzfassung (short)ZENSUR, GEFÄNGNIS, FOLTERZOWNIR - RADICAL MANZUG UM ZUG - Budapest 1944Zwielicht


In einer Kooperation mit dem Projekt ONLINEFILM bieten wir den Mitgliedern der Kulturserver-Netzwerke die Möglichkeit Filme und Clips zu präsentieren. Eine Auswahl zeigen wir in der Videothek des Kulturportals. Alle Filme eines Kulturschaffenden kann man auf seiner Webvistenkarte sehen. Schreiben Sie an redaktion@kulturserver.de um weitere Informationen zu erhalten, wenn Sie Ihre Filme auch hier anbieten möchten.


Photo: Inta Ruka. Portraits of People at Home / Foto: Inta Ruka. Cilvēku portreti savās mājās
Lettland 2003, Documentary, 59:00'
Director: Arvids Krievs | Camera: Davis Simanis | Screenplay: Arvids Krievs
Inta Ruka is a photographer well - known in Latvia. She was one of two Latvian photographers invited to take part at the international Stockholm project for photography Under/Exposed on the eve of 1999. The biennial in Venice, the recent exhibition at Riga Gallery… But on weekends and summer holidays Inta, as usual, will travel to farmsteads at the remote parts of Latvia or walk through the suburbs of Riga taking pictures of her country people.

"I started to make my photo series, "My Country People", in 1983. The theme of my photographic researches is the region my parents lived - Balvi district. I am interested mainly in portraying country people in their natural environment with their familiar things around, feeling safe and comfortable," says Inta Ruka.

As to the photographer herself, in spite of the international success of the recent years she has been working as an office-cleaner at the Embassy of Sweden for nine years and the ambassador allows her to devote one day a week for photo.

Inta is not a Bohemian type. Her family has always been quite poor. Her mother could not find a job for a long time after returning from the deportation in Siberia - she worked as a janitor, later as an office-cleaner. The father died in his young years leaving Inta living with her mother in their small, one-room janitor’s flat. After finishing a vocational school Inta worked as a tailor at later - as a laboratory assistant at the institution of a hospital where she had the possibility to develop her pictures once a week.

This will not be a portrait in film of the photographer Inta Ruka. Inta will rather be the co-author of a film about people taken in her pictures, their life and destinies after the years of the Communist rule, about the attempts of these marginal folks to try to find (or not) their place in the newly-formed post-totalitarian society requiring the freedom of personality and defending one’s individuality.

Inta is doing a lot of talking to the people she is taking in her the pictures, as Latgalians are talkative. To find a common language she has to give them a hand at work as well as drink some of their strong homemade beer.

In the course of conversation a person is asked for a permission to have his or her picture taken. In order to do that one should sit still but talking to Inta is so interesting and everyone feels so free that it succeeds. Inta says she can make a photo only of a person sitting, standing or laying still. Besides only the natural circumstances and lighting (!) makes one feel free.

Inta takes photos with an old camera on a stand, looking in her camera from the top. Her first camera, the Soviet Zorkij, was a present from the mother in the 70s when Inta finished school. The second one, 1936’s Rolleiflex, was bought in 80s for the money mother saved for her funeral. In 1999 Inta buys her a new one - this time it is Rolleiflex, made in 1950s.

It is important to add that Inta is taking only black-and-white pictures.

Inta Ruka’s portraits are an attempt to reveal people in the world and to reveal the world in people. It is also an attempt to approach the most important and eternal questions.
The Structure of the Film.

The material shot by us will be arranged in eight stories, each from five to seven minutes long, each following some unusual destiny of one family or a person from birth till death… Inta’s portraits in photos as well as their own comments will unite these life stories.

There could appear interesting compatibility or, just vice versa, incompatibility among the possible manner of event reports, color film shots, editing of the black-and-white still photos, as well as all the possible kinds of the original sound in the filmic parts and the contrasting sound score in the episodes with still photos. This possibility of contrasts not only in the contents but also in form will help to keep up the constant interest of the audience. Optimism, humor, irony and self-irony, blending of paradoxes characteristic to Inta herself will provide for the prevailing atmosphere and style of the film.

Inta, her life story and her commentaries upon the fates of people, revealed gradually, will be the leading story line of the film pulling the plot together and bringing it from the beginning to the end.